Friday, 27 September 2013

27 Sep: Day 4 Chepstow/Tintern to Shrewsbury

A long but very enjoyable day in the saddle covering 97 miles in 6 hours 50 mins.
We did not follow the whole route below but cut off the A roads by taking some B roads towards Shrewsbury with the usual hazards of single lanes, cut hedges, stones and mud in the road but still very enjoyable. Weather was kinder today with no rain at all.

The day started outside the St Pierre Marriott, outside of Chepstow with a team photo (minus biks and helmets)

Today we cycled with Phil (in between Sarah & Jo) Colin (the tallest bloke in white and orange, with legs like a gazelle and mean kick on the ascents) and Vajrin (standing behind Sarah)The five of us, cycled together for approx 78 miles (until we became 4 as Vajrin insisted his Garmin overruled the Ordinance survey map and went off alone; we arrived well before him!) ,
We were lucky enough to take in various sights such as Tintern Abbey
and we also found a local village shop selling all sorts including Maynards wine gums. Outside there was a very relevant sign.

It seems that we have completed a third of the distance already, except we do not travel on the direct route and try to see more of the scenery on the way.

The locals told us we were in God's own country, but then so did the folks in Cornwall and Devon, so who is correct? It certainly does not apply to all of the UK and definitely not the roads past the Avonmouth docks.
When we got into the hotel this evening, Sarah insisted that we both take a cold bath. The screaming could be heard all along the corridor.
Fortunately we were first in, so it did not matter too much!!
Today was the best day so far but tomorrow's route includes several hours on the A49 as we head to Preston. We are not looking forward to the traffic!

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